7 Wonderful Ways to Fall Asleep Fast ...

By Alison4 Comments

7 Wonderful Ways to Fall Asleep Fast ...

Do you have trouble falling asleep? Is every night spent tossing and turning, wondering how much sleep you´ll get or if you´ll spend the day yawning at work? It´s common to have problems falling asleep, and the lack of rest can really make you feel miserable and braindead (just ask any parent!). Help is at hand though – try these wonderful ways to fall asleep fast …

1 Stretch

Falling asleep is difficult if your body is tense. So relax those muscles and prepare them for sleep by having a good stretch. Slowly stretch your arms, legs and back, flexing every part of your body. Have you noticed how stretching makes you yawn? Before long, you´ll be yawning away and ready for a good night´s rest.

Frequently asked questions

2 Routine

It´s often advised to have a bedtime routine for children, which helps to settle them down and understand that it´s time for sleep. This can also help for adults! Train your brain into preparing for sleep by following a routine, such as having a warm bath, reading or making a hot drink.

3 Wind down

It´s bound to be impossible to sleep if you go straight to bed after doing something that requires an active mind. So switch off the computer a while before you want to go to sleep, and give yourself time to wind down. It´s best also not to watch any scary films that will leave your mind racing and your heart thumping!

4 Sex

This could be one of the most popular ways of falling asleep! As I´ve pointed out, you need to be relaxed to go to sleep, and sex is a fantastic way of relaxing. So have some fun with your partner and fall asleep snuggling together afterwards!

5 Comfort Factor

Remember that we spend up to a third of our lives lying on a mattress, so for a good night´s sleep the mattress needs to be comfortable. You´re not going to be relaxed with springs digging in you! So if your bed has seen better days (or nights), invest in a new mattress and buy the best quality that you can afford.

6 Position

I find that it really helps me to fall asleep if I am in a comfortable position. In summer, I like to sleep one way, and in winter I adopt a quite different position. So try experimenting to see what makes you feel most relaxed and ready for sleep. Of course, this will vary from person to person.

7 Environment

Don´t you just envy men? They can sleep in any situation and through any amount of noise! It´s not the same for us girls though. We need the right environment. Consider factors like shutting out light, reducing noise from outside, have the room at a comfortable temperature, and if your other half snores, send him to the spare room!

Falling asleep should be so easy, yet it can be an enormous challenge. A good night´s sleep is essential for both our mental and physical wellbeing, so if you´re having trouble then try out these ways to fall asleep. Above all, try not to worry too much about not sleeping, as you then become trapped in a vicious circle. Have you found any odd but effective ways of getting to sleep?

Top Image Source: aurafriedmancolorist.com

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